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The Havurah of the Desert is a 501 (c) (3) IRS tax exempt organization and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. If you are at least age 70 1/2, you may donate by making a direct rollover contribution from your IRA or 401k. Ask us how.

Don't have a PayPal account?
No worries. click the Donate button and use your Visa, Mastercard, Amex, or Discover card.


Please press the donate button only once. On the next page, use the dropdown menu to select the purpose of your payment. Then click only once.
No need to email to tell us you have paid. You will get an emailed receipt within a few minutes and we will also get an email telling us that you have paid. 

$20.00 per person / per year.
Thank you.

As an alternative to using Paypal,
checks are most welcome.
Please email
for our mailing address.

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